It is hard to believe that less than four months ago I was recovering from knee surgery wondering if I would be able to go compete in Chattanooga. Saturday, September 9 was a day I will remember forever, I crossed the finish line of the 2017 Ironman 70.3 World Championship!
They say that the races you approach with zero stress or expectations are typically the ones you do the best at. That proved to be true for me on Saturday. My goal for this race was to simply make it to the finish line. I did just that but I also had by far my best performance at a championship event.
In 2009 at the Ironman 70.3 World Championship in Clearwater, FL I was the last finisher in the 18-24 female age group.
1321 Sandy Holt W18-24
Age Group: 22/22
Gender: 337/395
Swim: 33:27, T1: 4:39, Bike: 2:46:13, T2: 3:35, Run: 2:13:21, Total: 5:41:15
2010, I improved slightly and finished 58th of 69 in the 25-29 age group.
1377 Sandy Holt W25-29
Age Group: 58/69
Gender: 331/487
Swim: 33:26, T1: 3:50, Bike: 2:45:14, T2: 3:12, Run: 1:56:21, Total: 5:22:00
This year in Chattanooga may have been my slowest 70.3 World Championship time; however, I improved in my age group and overall.
1327 Sandy Holt W30-34
Age Group: 128/243
Gender: 681/1706
Swim: 32:34, T1: 5:07, Bike: 3:05:03, T2: 1:56, Run: 1:58:32, Total: 5:43:12
What stands out to me most and also has the largest impact on me, is looking at the number of female participants. In 2009, there were only 395 female athletes, 2010 increased slightly to 487. The female participation increased by 332 percent from 2009 to 2017! WOW!
Okay, now for the race.
I arrived in Chattanooga on Thursday afternoon, got checked in, attended the athlete banquet and spent the evening maniacally checking the NOAA Hurricane Irma advisory updates. I was beyond stressed, worried and concerned for my family, friends and fellow Floridians back home. Friday morning I got a practice swim in, spun on the trainer, drove the Lookout Mountain Climb (Ahhhhhh) and dropped off my bike and gear. Race morning arrived before I even had a chance to blink.
There is always a flood of information, events, stresses, and things going on it is hard to stay in the moment and soak everything in. Walking to transition race morning I heard numerous languages, saw tears of joy, smiles, nerves and every emotion possible among my fellow female competitors. Each of the feelings and emotions fueled my strength and mind. The admiration and inspiration I felt when I looked around are why I do this.
1.2 Mile Swim: 32:34
30-34 AG: 28/243, Top 11.5%
30-34 AG: 28/243, Top 11.5%
I lined up in the 27-29 minute corral within my age group. I positioned myself with this group, hoping to be able to draft some feet and gain some time on a challenging upstream section. I jumped off the dock and started towards the turn buoy. Once I made the first turn to head upstream I noticed the field of girls I started with all fight and gun for position on the buoy line, I knew the closer I got towards the shore the slower the current would be, so I ventured off on my own closer to shore. I noticed I was passing groups, I knew I made the right choice and decided to stay wide. Turning to cross the river and then downstream was smooth sailing. Every now and then I would have to go around a small group of prior waves I caught up to but that was all. This was one of the smoothest and non-eventful 1.2 miles swim I had ever experienced. Looking at the results of the race, I exited the water 28th in my age and 207th overall. This was just outside of top 10% of both my AG and gender. I was extremely proud of this swim.
56 Mile Bike: 3:05:03
30-34 AG: 121/243, Top 49.8%
30-34 AG: 121/243, Top 49.8%
Climb, climb, climb. This 56-mile course had over 3400 ft of elevation gain. I would consider myself a strong cyclist and someone who enjoys climbing so my thought of this course may differ from many. I LOVED it!!! The climb to Lookout Mountain was amazing!
Lookout climb (from my data file): 3.17 miles, avg. grade 6.1%
Time: 21:09Pace: 9.0 mph
Cadence: 73 rpm
Heart Rate: 168 bpm (Zone 4)
The descent into Chattanooga Valley was fun! 3.27 miles, avg. grade -5.3%
Time: 6:08
Pace: 32.4 mph
Cadence: 82 rpm
Heart Rate: 128 bpm (Zone 1)
Total: (51-mile file) - I hit the lap button early and it switched into T2 - doh!
Avg HR: 151 bpm (Upper Zone 2)
Avg pace: 18.1 mph
Avg cadence: 84 rpm
Looking at my data file, I know I could have pushed the effort harder in certain sections to have a higher avg HR. Even though I may have been able to squeak out a little more speed, I am so happy with my performance.
13.1 Mile Run: 1:58:32
30-34 AG: 152/243, 62.6%
Running.....something that has never come naturally to me. Well, this run is one of my most proud moments. I was extremely worried how my knee would handle the course, distance and running off of the bike. I went into this run with a plan to run: walk the first loop to see how it would feel then pick it up the second loop if it felt good.
The plan worked to a T.
I got off of the bike and had a stiff knee. It was hard to bend and drive my knee forward. I maintained a 4:30 run and 30-sec walk for the first loop. At mile 2, I took 2 Ibuprofen and by mile 4 my knee started to loosen up. Starting the second loop my confidence started to increase and I decided to push the effort up slightly.
Loop 1: Avg HR 156 bpm, avg pace 9:07/mi, 87 rpm
Loop 2: Avg HR 159 bpm, avg pace 8:56/mi, 87 rpm
I am beyond proud and excited for how the run went. Looking at my data, I know with time, patience, persistence and dedication I will be able to build back up and race a 70.3 to my potential. I look forward to the day I can race a 70.3. For now, I am just so incredibly happy to be able to race no matter the effort at which brings me to the finish line.
Congratulations to my friends and training partners on fantastic races!!! And what is a post race celebration without some good craft beer! Eight weeks until I race Ironman Florida with my brother Michael.